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Curriculum Vitae

Recorded Talks

  • “Are Fathers a Good Substitute for Mothers? Paternal care and growth rates in Shodagor children” (2021). Presented at the annual meetings of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society. (link)

  • “Women’s Subsistence Cooperation in a Traditionally Boat-Dwelling Society” (2021). Presented at the 90th Annual meeting of the American Association of Physical (Biological) Anthropologists. (link)

  • “How Women’s Subsistence Work Shapes Biology: Impacts of Shodagor women’s work on health and development” (2021). Presented for the University of New Mexico Department of Anthropology’s Colloquium Series.

  • “Why Risk It? Health outcomes of Shodagor women’s work” (2019). Presented for the UCLA Center for Behavior, Evolution, & Culture’s Speaker Series. (link)

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • Starkweather, Kathrine E., Keith, Monica H., Zohora, Fatema tuz, and Alam, Nurul (2022). Impacts of climate-induced flooding on household nutrition, child growth, and adult body mass in a Shodagor fishing community. American Journal of Human Biology. (pdf)

  • Starkweather, Kathrine E., Reynolds, Adam Z., Zohora, Fatema tuz, and Alam, Nurul (2022). Shodagor women cooperate across domains of work and childcare to solve an adaptive problem. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. (pdf)

  • Starkweather, Kathrine E., Keith, Monica H., Prall, Sean P., Alam, Nurul, and Emery Thompson, Melissa (2021). Paternal care and growth rates in Shodagor children. Developmental Psychobiology. (pdf)

  • Scelza, BA, Prall, SP, and Starkweather, Kathrine E. (2021). The role of spousal separation on norms related to gender and sexuality among Himba pastoralists. Social Sciences. (pdf)

  • Starkweather, Kathrine E., Shenk, Mary K, and McElreath, Richard (2020). Biological constraints and socioecological influences on divisions of labour and women’s risk. Evolutionary Human Sciences. (pdf)

  • Reynolds, Adam Z., Wander, Katherine, CY Sum, M Su, M Emery Thompson, PL Hooper, H Li, MK Shenk, Starkweather, Kathrine E., T Blumenfield, Mattison, Siobhan M. (2020). Matriliny reverses gender disparities in inflammation and hypertension among the Mosuo of China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (pdf)

  • Broesch, Tanya, Crittenden, Alyssa N., BA Beheim, AD Blackwell, JA Bunce, H Colleran, K Hagel, M Kline, R McElreath, RG Nelson, AC Pisor, S Prall, I Pretelli, B Purzycki, EA Quinn, C Ross, BA Scelza, Starkweather, Kathrine E, J Steiglitz, and Borgerhoff Mulder, Monique (2020). Navigating cross-cultural research: methodological and ethical considerations. Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. (pdf)

  • Scelza, BA, Prall, SP, and Starkweather, Kathrine E. (2020). Paternity confidence and social obligations explain men’s allocations to romantic partners in an experimental giving game. Evolution and Human Behavior, 41, 96-103. (pdf)

  • Starkweather, Kathrine E. and Keith, Monica H. (2019). One piece of the matrilineal puzzle: The socioecology of maternal uncle investment. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 374.  (pdf)

  • Scelza BA, Prall SP, Blumenfeld T, Crittenden A, Gurven M, Kline M, Koster J, Kushnik G, Mattison S, McElreath R, Pillsworth E, Shenk M, Starkweather Kathrine E, Stieglitz J, Yamaguchi K. (2019). Patterns of Paternal Investment Predict Cross-Cultural Variaion in Jealous Response. Nature Human Behavior. (pdf)

  • Starkweather, Kathrine E. and Keith, Monica H. (2018). Estimating Impacts of the Nuclear Family and Heritability of Nutritional Outcomes in a Boat-Dwelling Community. American Journal of Human Biology, 30, e23105. (pdf)

  •  Starkweather, Kathrine E. (2017). Shodagor Family Strategies: Balancing work and family on the water. Human Nature, 28, 138-166. (pdf)

  • Anderson, Kermyt G and Starkweather, Kathrine E. (2017). Parenting strategies in modern and emerging economies: Introduction to a special issue. Human Nature, 28, 133-137. (pdf)

  • Starkweather, Kathrine E. (2016). Offspring Diversity Hypothesis. In T.K. Shackelford and V.A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer. (pdf)

  • Starkweather, Kathrine E. (2016). Variance in Female Reproductive Success. In T.K. Shackelford and V.A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer. (pdf)

  • Starkweather, Kathrine E. and Munds, Rachel A. (2016). Mating patterns. International Encyclopedia of Primatology. Wiley-Blackwell.

  • Shenk, Mary K., Towner, Mary C.,  Starkweather, Kathrine E., Atkisson, Curtis J., and Alam, Nurul (2014). The evolutionary demography of sex ratios in rural Bangladesh.  In Gibson, M.A. & Lawson, D.W. (Eds.) Applied Evolutionary Anthropology: Darwinian Approaches to Contemporary World Issues. Springer. (pdf)

  • Shenk, Mary K., Starkweather, Kathrine E., and Kress, Howard  (2013). Does absence matter?  A comparison of three types of father absence in rural Bangladesh.  Human Nature, 24: 76-110. (pdf)

  • Starkweather, Kathrine E. and Hames, Raymond B. (2012). A Survey of Non-Classical Polyandry. Human Nature, 23: 149-172. (pdf)

    • News coverage of this article: When taking multiple husbands makes sense. Alice Dreger. February 1, 2013. The Atlantic. (link)

Manuscripts in Preparation

  • Starkweather, Kathrine E. and Keith, Monica H. Women’s Work and Child Illness: The disease ecology of Shodagor women’s trading.